查看完整版本: Any female friends in shanghai

yanghaofly 2011-9-15 21:13

I am from Guangdong

I am from Guangdong,I also want to make friends with someone who from Guangdong,comtact me.Appreciate it.

dzy1987 2011-9-15 21:15

俺没读过书 这个版区是干什么的阿  老是捞英文

傲世纵横 2011-9-16 01:43

i can't agree more with ndhermit.in shanghai you can buy girls cups of drink or take them to diner from a bar.people here won't tell their personal informations.

sistomq 2011-9-27 17:21

I am afaid not anyone

sistomq 2011-9-27 17:41

Can i find one in nanjing

kkkana 2011-9-28 08:51

don't think that girls would jump out of GFW, loggin sis and look for a partner in mainland.

sistomq 2011-9-28 11:14

couldn't find anyone i believe ,agree with 29th:soccer

choibo21z 2011-10-25 01:48

where in Shanghai guys can find descent girls? :P

any idea?

BloodRainy 2012-4-5 18:41

there is no girl, especially at this board.

gzb161 2012-4-27 18:01

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gzb161 2012-4-27 18:01

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timmyhoes 2012-7-29 00:06

most gals here they are always ready, all you need to do just ask for it...

opportunity1 2012-8-26 15:08

Really naive, thirty years old play seems a college boy which speak in a boy tone.

forumdiv3r 2014-3-14 23:04

There is always a possibility to know a real girl in the forum. But it will not that easy. Good luck.
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查看完整版本: Any female friends in shanghai