查看完整版本: 今天和女朋友干,吃了我保存已久的伟哥

jyrush731 2011-10-10 21:20


各位狼友莫急,听兄细细道来始末!:teeth 我和女朋友认识有3个多月了,做爱了2次但都挺失败的。第一次是出去旅游,由于太累草草了事,2分钟不到就射了,心里特别不爽!谁不想第一次干的自己女友爽歪歪呢?第二次由于经验不足,女友疼的差点哭出来,插入半截只好作罢!心里甚是不甘!!隔日~想到抽屉还有一粒好奇128块买的万艾可(伟哥),于是再约女友家中相会!下班后兴冲冲的提前将药吃下。等和女友吃饱喝足,小弟弟早已按耐不住!稍撸几下就坚硬无比。。。感觉比平时硬很多!!疯狂的高速抽插,射精感也没有平时那么来得快,大家都知道高速抽插很容易就会有要射得冲动。这次真是插的很爽很爽,女友下面也水流成河。 并没有出现射精后还硬的情况,不过疲软十几分钟,有坚挺起来。没有平时那种挺而不坚的尴尬了!

gansyun02 2011-10-10 22:47


xiaomeili 2011-10-10 22:52


爱这个 2011-10-14 16:18


gy_sxm 2011-10-14 17:20


jyrush731 2011-10-18 23:38


周公解梦1230 2011-10-22 17:52


fenghuaxueyue11 2011-10-22 19:34


:excellence 一切性药都只是增加硬度  和持续发射  并不具备延长时间的功效  要想持久就擦湿巾可以麻麻的延长时间

阳光明媚123 2011-10-25 21:20


tie470 2011-10-26 06:45

偶尔用一次可以 不能经常用 把你的内分泌系统搞乱了就麻烦了

weidaijun001 2011-11-2 12:31


1565837318 2011-11-2 18:49


ss2611 2011-11-3 15:54

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qqsalou 2011-11-7 09:04


111222x2 2011-11-9 00:02


严衍系 2011-11-9 10:03

Guangzhou Massage - Massage in Guangzhou Miss:Phone18620030309
Guangzhou Massage - Massage in Guangzhou Miss:Phone18620030309
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        As the market economy. The spirit of "quality first, service first" philosophy, providing on-site service 24 hours a day, send your sincere and warm, with our service you lift the day"s physical and mental fatigue, relax the mind.
      From its inception, the Center is committed to - to build Guangzhou City, [url=http://www.guangzhoumassage666.com/][color=#800080]guangzhoumassage[/color][/url]the most professional, most quality, most comfortable brand of service, - has established a high-quality, high-grade elite team. With the current pace of building an international metropolis of Guangzhou advance, star entertainment clubs adhering to the positive edge of innovation, entrepreneurial culture, creating a leading industry trend, the cause of sustainable development services.
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查看完整版本: 今天和女朋友干,吃了我保存已久的伟哥